Earlier this week I was watching the interview between Oprah and Meghan Markle.
I wonder if you have seen it? I wonder how it made you feel?
I know that it is only one side of the story but it made me feel very uncomfortable, very sad.
I have always been in favour of our Royal Family but now I realise that this has been from a very selfish, patriotic view. I had never considered what kept the royals doing what they do. Yes, I understand that they have immense privilege but I had never considered the pressure this placed upon them, being expected to perform for us, without consideration for their feelings, their basic needs ... I wonder what keeps them doing this? Are their trappings 'buying their compliance?'
The royal 'firm ' are in control, but when it gets to the stage that they are not just in control but are controlling - then what does that do for the freedom, independence choices and mental health of the families and individual concerned?
As always, it made me reflect on situations our children find themselves in where they are expected to comply. Do they follow the rules at school and at home because they understand the reasons behind them, because there are trusting relationships and they know that those making decisions have their best interests at heart or are we too 'buying their compliance?'
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